Thursday, 9 July 2015

Joy & Suffering

Who do you call when your spouse dies? I really don't know. I can only imagine that the shock and grief is enough that even with the best of preplanning that something is forgotten and something. Doesn't as planned.

And when you're in a foreign country where cultures and practices are different, someone is bound to be hurt. Someone is bound to be offended. And while the person who has just died is celebrating in heaven, there is still grace & mourning here on earth. If it is healthy this process can start way before death.

Suffering can be a bruising of a blessing. - Joni E Tada
We've talked a little more of some of these things. We might still be here at the actual rapture if God gives us that time trying to figure things out if not, No matter what each person will need an extra portion of grace. They will need closeness, distance, an ear to be silent upon, an ear to just listen.  They mighr need clarification or understanding or things repeated in a different way might need something that isn't even recognized. Anyways, thjoy in this house. Twice so far we have celebrated with worship and communion -- a more intimate time of focusing on God. I don't know if I'll be here that long but either way, there is joy.

Joy & suffering (: yesterday was our 8th anniversary & suffering: my skin bruises and tears more easily due to its fragility)

Eight years ago

Pure joy

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