Monday 25 May 2015

Within My Arms' Reach

Since losing strength and sensation in my legs, my life has changed to only things within my arms' reach. Basically I'm confined to my hospital bed or our couch unless someone moves me. And then you have to work through side rails finding the right angle and strength. It can be truly humbling at times or it can be angering when you want something and can't have it. 

I have some strength and most of the time I have a clear mind. I have family and friends who love me and support me. I have faith and hope in a God who will never leave me. I have time to read Scripture and pray for me & others.

What else do I really need?

Trying to make sure I have everything I "need" within arm's reach.


  1. Oh Krista - you make me smile. You still have such a sense of humour through it all!! Thanks for being you and letting us see all sides. Love the lamb LOL!!

  2. Thinking of you and praying

  3. Krista - I will think of you every time I put "Mocha" on my head to sleep. That's exactly how I have slept for as long as I can remember....with my stuffed dog over my head just like your little lamb is over yours. You are so precious dear friend. xoxo Jem


    Krista, I thought of you this morning as I watched this episode of Joyce Meyer online. I think it will really resonate with you. Blessings on your day. Faith Waters
