Monday 9 December 2013

Hunkering Down

The big snowflakes outside certainly have made it easier to get curled up under a blanket and not go outside... not to mention the cold temperatures (and for those of you who think I'm a wimp for calling these temperatures cold, I can tell you about the winter it was so cold my toilet froze up and cracked or when my living room was colder than my freezer or walking to school when it was -50 Celsius with windchill). I understand cold temperatures. I just like being warm... so I'm staying home.

I'm staying home for other reasons too. I really want to get chemo next week and I don't want to get sick (I've heard of too many nasty bugs going around).

Getting chemo around Christmas poses certain challenges:
- trying to organize chemo & other appointments around statutory holidays 
- trying to plan time with family but realizing that all plans might need to be changed depending upon when my body is ready for chemo
- trying to get all extra shopping/baking done when I have my bursts of energy
- coordinating bursts of energy with figuring out when & where to shop so as to minimize my exposure to other people and their germs
- trying not to get caught up in doing things & reminding myself to ponder and treasure this Christmas

Although I've been sleeping better, I'm tiring more easily. I've had a sore throat and cough for six weeks (nothing serious... just irritating more than anything). I have a few mouth sores that aren't healing as quickly as I'd like. My finger nails are still slightly concerning some days (today they're ok). Physio is going well and I'm very close to getting back to my full range of motion in my arms/shoulders. And while I'm feeling well overall, I'm feeling a little weak and vulnerable.

So, I'm choosing to spend most of this week hunkering down at home with my family. I'm living in my pyjamas, taking my multivitamins, drinking lots of tea, drinking my greens supplement (since I LOVE leafy green vegetables... sarcasm intended), washing my hands frequently, etc. I'm doing all that I can do to avoid getting sick and trying to encourage my neutrophils to multiply so that I can get chemo.

On Monday I'll have my bloodwork and doctor's appointment to find out if I'll get chemo on Tuesday.

Should my neutrophils not be high enough on Monday, it will be ok. I'll definitely be disappointed but I know it's not the end of the world. I'll get chemo a week later (on Christmas Eve) & I'll do my best to make that chemo room the place to be on Christmas Eve! This is all a part of His plan and I trust He knows best.

P. S. Thank you to the people who put together the two lovely gift baskets we received last week! I don't know who you are but wanted to let you know that one of the baskets had two things that were on my wish list (one of the things I'd asked my family for and the other thing I hadn't even said I wanted it aloud!). The other basket was filled with treats for the whole family. Thank you especially for thinking of special treats for my husband & son!

Drinking my greens... Yummy!

1 comment:

  1. My dear Krista,
    I didn't even know there was such a thing as 'netrophils' in the body, let alone how one can make them multiply! This stuff is making you so smart! I'm so proud of you for your positive outlook through such challenging times. I'm blessed by your blog & by you. Praying that you stay strong & healthy for your chemo dose! and that you & your family have a blessed Christmas together. xoxo Jem
