Sunday 15 December 2013


Matias and his mama have learned something new.

We often have days when we are so overwhelmed that we dissolve into a heap of tears. My tears are usually silent and can be brought on by something as small as a look or thought. Matias' tears, on the other hand, are usually big and dramatic with back arching and limb flailing. They can be brought on by the "wrong" snack or because the large plastic plate doesn't fit into the wrapping paper tube.

We each have our own struggles.

On a particularly difficult day this week when mama's tears were coming all too frequently and mama couldn't handle the back arching, we tried something new. I turned on some Christmas carols (Matias loves music), picked up my child's rigid and wailing body, and together we danced our frustrations and tears into surrender and giggles. And we danced and danced until mama was out of breath.

While not every situation may be drowned out by the music, it is one more way we are learning to face and work through our struggles.

Tomorrow will be my bloodwork and doctor's appointment and I'll find out if chemo will happen on Tuesday. I'll also hopefully find out my CT results. I'm nervous.

The tree has been decorated. The presents are wrapped. The baking is done. The next item on my list is to find out when I get chemo.

(I think my boy and I might need to have a few dance dates today to work through some emotions before I get my results.)

After having a day when I felt emotionally overwhelmed, I received this basket of goodies (and a bunch other things). Then overwhelmed turned into overwhelmingly blessed. Thank you MOMs!

Another gift... a necklace with a bead for each milestone. Here's to many more beads! Thank you friend.

1 comment:

  1. Krista, thanks again for sharing. You're an inspiration :)
