Tuesday 19 August 2014

My Monday

If it's morning, my unwritten rule (to keep my sanity) is to let my boy stay in his room until 8am. If he wakes up earlier, he can play. And of course, if there are extenuating circumstances (cries of pain, lots of kicking, I'm feeling energetic in the morning, etc.) I'll go in and check on him. As my parents are staying with us and my dad wakes up horribly early, he takes the morning shift and gets Matias when he wakes.

Yesterday I woke up to screaming at 6am. He cried on and off for a while. My mom also woke up and tried to get dad to get him. Because my dad was moving too slowly, my mom went to free my boy from the prison of his bedroom... only to find the problem was a poopy diaper.

By that time Matias is in one of his moods where he was not cooperating with a diaper change. Mom carried a half naked boy down two flights of stairs for dad's help. It took two grown adults pinning him down just to get clean diaper on the kid!

He seemed a little off in the morning... just in a bit of an owly mood. We took out new cars and trucks to play on his train track. He ate a good lunch and as I was putting him down for his nap I noticed a smell. As I'd just changed his diaper, I knew it wasn't that. Oh joy. The source of the smell was his morning poop smeared all over his sheets, favourite blanket, and toy. The first two items were thrown in the wash. He cried even more as he tried to fall asleep without his blanket. Waiting for him to fall asleep, I sat in front of his door with toy and disinfectant wipes trying to clean all of the little grooves and indentations of his toy with letter buttons (I even used the pointy end of a screw to get the half dried poop out of the tiny crevasses).

A friend visited in the afternoon. My boy eventually fell asleep but it was a short nap. Still in a slightly off mood but consoled by new cars, we played. He ate nicely with us for dinner and just as we were about to relax for the evening, our kitchen sink gets clogged (two sinks full of murky water & partially garburated food). My two attempts to fix the problem were not successful. Fortunately I have an amazing husband. He removed the trap (getting baptized by the murky water in the process) and finds the culprit. 

To whomever tried to put a straw down my drain, it doesn't work! Next time please use the garbage.

Eventually things get put back together, the floor is mopped, the active boy is on a walk with the grandparents, and we sit down to rest. After the day's unusual events, a beer was in order... but we had none. So we hopped in the car and off to the store we went. We returned and were finally resting on the couch when the active boy and his grandparents returned.

No book, food, car or milk would slow this kid down! An hour past his bedtime (remember he was up at 6am and didn't have a good nap), he was still going strong. We decided to both put him to bed.

Diaper changed. Teeth brushed. Pray together. Not expecting Matias to respond I routinely said, "Matias, can you say... Dear Jesus, thank you." And before I could get any more words out I heard a little voice echo my words saying, "Dear Jesus, atchoo" and the rest of our prayer was said in gibberish. My heart melted.

Way past his bedtime, we went to bed being serenaded by the alphabet song, counting and the sounds of the letters coming from the next room.

As tiresome as some of my Monday's "adventures" were, these are good problems to have. I'm thankful that these problems were my biggest concerns for the day.

Lots of places for poop to hide in this toy!

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