Wednesday 14 August 2013

Recovering My Body

It's been an interesting week to say the least. I am adjusting to my new normal with no chemo. I'm certainly thankful for my doctor's knowledge and decisiveness.

My fingernails (and the infection) were getting worse. After church this past Sunday I went to a walk-in clinic because another finger showed signs of becoming increasingly infected. If I'm going to have an infection, I'd rather it just be in my fingers rather than throughout the rest of my body... so the doctor ordered more antibiotics and then some bloodwork. 

My bloodwork is showing that my body is having a tough time making neutrophils (a kind of cells that fights infections). While this is completely "normal" when on chemo, it's been a few weeks since I've had chemo and my neutrophil count should be on the rise. Instead it's falling. I'd really like to be able to recover physically so that my body can catch up to the rest of me and we can get on with this part of life.

I can hear all of the things that I as a nurse would counsel a patient about rest and recovery & listening to your body... but since I'm the patient and I've made a big part of the mental switch, I'm ready to get on with it.

With my neutrophils as low as they are, I'm thankful that I didn't get chemo this week and I'm thankful for my doctor who made that decision.

Can you please pray for these specific parts of my body?
cancer cells: that they would stay the same number or decrease (especially in my liver) for a very, very long time
- stomach: that it would absorb my new medication (and antibiotics) with minimal side effects on me but have incredible effects on my cancer cells (and infection)
- bone marrow: that it would recover from chemo's damaging effects so that it can produce neutrophils (neutrophils are made in bone marrow)
- neutrophils: that they would increase in number and effectively fight off infections so that I can have a normal immune system
- fingers: healing of the infections under my finger nails so that I can back to preparing food, washing dishes & changing diapers without needing to wear gloves
- my mind and heart: that I can accept the pace of recovery of my body and be fully present & alive in this chapter of my life

This next week we're looking forward to some time with my parents and sister and her family. We'll be celebrating anniversaries, birthdays, family & life. It should be good!

Enjoying my robin's egg blue antibiotics.

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