Wednesday 26 February 2014

Snowmen, Puddles & Sand

I woke up Monday at 4am very unsure of how my day would go.

Bloodwork. Doctor's appointment. Pack. Vacation.

We've been wanting/needing some time away and booked tickets at the last minute.

Four hours before our flight, I was talking to my doctor & getting my bloodwork results. I'm very happy and relieved to say that my liver is doing well. It's still full of cancer but things currently are appearing to be stable. My immune system still isn't what it should be but most other things are normal.

Relief is a wonderful feeling and I'm very happy that my cancer is stable.

With that news, we headed to the airport with snow flurries... then off to Seattle where the rain was steady... and finally to Maui where it is warm, sunny & wonderfully relaxing (most of the time).

So far we've learned a few things about Matias:
- he can easily (and quickly) escape the five point harness of his new stroller
- he can crawl under the airplane seats to the row behind us (fortunately it was empty for most of the flight)
- with all of the excitement of travelling and experiencing new things, he only feels that two very short naps are needed on travel day
- when he finally falls asleep (about 10 hours into our trip), he doesn't appreciate a lady moving to the empty row behind us (there were many empty rows that she could have chosen), turning on the light and loudly eating crunchy food (that was the end if his second nap)
- long hallways are great places to set our small, energetic Matias loose
- his hair turns into simply gorgeous ringlets in Maui's rain
- he is (currently) afraid of sand and the ocean... he shrieks and clings as tightly as possible... when we eventually calmed him down enough so we could sit on the beach, he wouldn't let his feet touch the sand and sat still on my lap for the longest he's ever sat anywhere
- if I could only have sand and water on the airplane, travelling would be a breeze!

Next week I'm scheduled to have surgery... so until then I'm going to enjoy the sunshine, crashing waves, and my family.



  1. Krista! Shannon formerly Smith here. I've been reading your blog and praying for you but have never known quite how to comment. Thank you for sharing your journey through this time. My husband and I live on Maui and if you and Xevat want a date evening/afternoon, I'd love to babysit for you. I'd love to see you too butyou are here to relax and i don't want you to feel any pressure whatsoever to do anything other than that. But I'm guessing your little guy makes a romantic dinner hilarious but difficult so please take me up on it if you want to. You can call or text me at 463-5700 with the local area code. If not, then I hope you enjoy this spectacular display of God's creation. Especially the whales! Much love, Shannon

  2. Argh, I spelled Xhevat's name wrong. My apologies.
