Wednesday 15 October 2014


I've said that I'd ask for help when I needed help. Well, I'm needing some help.

Since the diagnosis of my brain metastases, my driver's license has essentially been revoked. My last CT showed that I was down to one smaller brain metastasis (and possibly some floaters which aren't visualized by a CT). Most of the sensation to my legs and feet have returned and I have regained enough strength to take care of my boy by myself. So... I asked my doctor if there would be a possibility of getting my license back. The worst thing she could say was no, right?

After a bit of discussion, it was decided that I should have another CT later this month and my rad onc (radiation oncologist) can take a peek at what's going on in my head. I should also find out by the end of the month if I can drive again. I imagine that I'll either be flying high or totally devastated. I'm trying prepare for both answers.

In the meantime, I have a bunch of appointments in the next couple weeks and I'm going to need some help watching Matias and/or driving me/us to my appointment.
- Oct 20 early morning (well, early for me)
- Oct 22 early afternoon 
- Oct 24 noon
- Oct 30 mid afternoon
- Oct 31 late morning
If you're available to help, send an email to me at or give me a call and just let me know which appointment you're able to help me out with and I'll get back to you to confirm. The drive is from West Cloverdale to either Surrey Memorial or Jim Pattison Outpatient Care. Thanks.

And please be praying for us. Changing routines, lots of appointments and yet more emotions will be a challenge. Please pray specifically for peace, rest, and energy (for Xhevat & I... NOT for Matias as he has more than enough).

P.S. Speaking of prayer... at the beginning of this journey my family and I were absolutely thrilled as we found out we were being prayed for by thousands upon thousands from lots of places around the world! We thought how cool it would be if there was someone on every continent praying. 

Our problem: Antarctica & penguins.

We weren't sure how to get the penguins to confirm that they were praying. Well, I just received confirmation that I was prayed for in Antarctica! And no, I didn't learn the penguin's language.

I saw on Facebook that my friend's brother was in Antarctica and to make a long story shorter... I had her pass on my request & just found out today that I was prayed for in Antarctica! How incredible is that! 

(I don't think that God is impressed by the number of places where people are calling on Him... He just wants to hear more of our hearts and for us to listen to His. But for my human mind, I feel so incredibly blessed by His thousands upon thousands that are putting my family's needs before Him -- people from EVERY CONTINENT!)

Even the penguins are celebrating!

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