Friday 19 April 2013

Cancer Socks

It's Friday morning. Our boy woke us up twice in the night (mom & Xhevat took care of him) and then woke up for the day at 6 am. Dad took over then. Xhevat and I got ready and he drove me to the Cancer Agency and then went on to work. I had my bloodwork done, took a walk in the rain with a thwarted attempt to get to Tim Horton's (thanks to construction and the closed sidewalk), ate breakfast instead at the hospital cafeteria, had a quick chat with a coworker and her mom, and now am sitting writing this... and it's not even 9 am (As there's no wifi here, this won't be posted until later today).

I've had a few people ask if I was doing ok as I haven't written on my blog this week. Thank you for your concern & care. I'm doing well today and keeping busy. I've written a couple blog entries this week but have been processing what I've written and so they haven't been posted... yet.

Today I'm going to write about my socks. A dear friend's mom was in a similar situation to me. In the ugly world of cancer and it's treatment, my friend bought her mom the most outrageous and perhaps tackiest socks she could find and her mom wore them when she was getting her treatment. It was a way of bringing joy and humor into a difficult situation. She continued this tradition with another friend's mom... and was the recipient of socks herself when she was on bed rest. Not needing them any more, she sent me a pair of her used tacky socks.

Normally I might not appreciate socks that were zebra striped, ruffled edged, with burgundy heals and toes, and bright, multi-colored squares of patterns... especially socks that were used. But I've worn those socks to chemo (and throughout the week when I'm needing a little pick-me-up) with joy, love, and pride. Cancer sucks but I'm on this journey and I might as well keep my joy and sense of humor along the way.

I'm currently sitting in the waiting area of the Cancer Agency wearing some new socks that I received this week. They are striped knee socks... pink, yellow, cobalt, grey, fuchsia, and sea foam stripes... a lot of personality and spunk wrapped up in some socks. The person who sent them to me encouraged me to wear them with shorts... what a fashion statement that would be! As it is raining today, I thought they might look better with flip flops as well. But my restraint took over and they are instead just peaking out from under my pant legs. I love my socks (and my friends and family that love on me)!

Later that day (and with wifi at home):
- Chemo is done; my neutrophils were high enough and I got my full dose which is always a pleasure to receive!
- Mom and dad have arrived back in Kelowna for the weekend. We're thankful that the roads were good.
- As I've been feeling stronger lately, I've been trying to do more with Matias and around the house. This past Monday I was able to take care of him throughout the day by myself. I'm hoping to be able to do this more next week. Please pray for strength for me, a good baby, and knowing if or when I need to ask for help earlier (my parents will come back at least in time for my next chemo or earlier if necessary).
- Xhevat returned home safely this past Sunday. It's so good to have him home! He has been busy taking a course for his work this week and would appreciate your prayers next week as he is tested on what he has learned.
- It was great that Xhevat was able to spend time in Kosova with his family. Thank you for praying for Xhevat's dad. He has been doing better and Xhevat felt much more at peace about how his dad was doing when he left. Please continue to pray for Xhevat's dad.


  1. Oh Krista.....what a beautiful, transparent post! I love your socks :) I'm so blessed by your honesty & willingness to share your journey! (sorry if I've said this before, but it's because I MEAN IT!!). Love & prayers for you, Xhevat & little Matias. I think of you every day, even when you don't post anything. Your journey has helped me to be more appreciative of every day I have to be with my husband & kids - no matter how challenging they might be (the days, that is....not my husband & kids :) Love you so much my friend & sister! xo Jem

  2. Love love love the socks, today I helped build a garden and thought of you, and how much life you have within you. And like a garden each time you have your chemotherapy I think of it as new growth of the good things within your body. I will pray that you will have the strength to look after Matias for longer and longer periods. Thinking of you often.

  3. Allow yourself to be helped by others. Doing SOMETHING for you...whatever the doing might their gift to you. Accepting the help is your gift to them.

    Your socks remind me of a rainbow, which reminds me of God's promises, which are all answered in Christ. "No matter how many promises God has made, they are 'Yes' in Christ." I pray your socks help to remind you that none of His promises will ever fail.

  4. Hello Krista,

    Good to read your journey, It is so moving. Socks with photo look so beautiful. Your thoughts on socks give me warm. This past Thur many pastors and leaders gathered together to pray at the Botegga, beautiful retreat place located on west Kelowna. Most of them have many prayer requests including thanks items. I also had prayer requests; your parents and you and your family are so precious to us. We stand beside you with prayer.

    James, Esther, Grace
