Saturday 6 April 2013

Two Cycles Done

I had eight days to recover from last week's chemo (which is one day more than usual and one day can make a big difference to neutrophils). I went in cautiously confident that I'd be getting my chemo. It's been a busy week but I've felt ok and having an "extra" day to recover was good.

[Let me just explain that there are three options for chemo based on my neutrophils: a full dose, 80%, or none. There are other factors for dosing my chemo but this one has been my challenge so far.]

When I was called into the chemo room by an exceptionally caring nurse that I'd connected with earlier, I was surprised to hear that my neutrophil count was the lowest that it could be to get the 80% dosage. As a matter of fact, I was asked how I was feeling and given the option to not get chemo if I wasn't feeling up to it. I wanted it and got my 80%. My low neutrophil count was: surprising... disappointing... confusing as to why it was so low.

My thoughts were also on: Xhevat arriving in Kosovo... Mom with Matias at home... Dad with me. As chemo went on, I got the remainder of my bloodwork results. I had been hoping that this would be the week that one of my four liver enzymes got back into a normal range. They had all been decreasing each week since starting chemo but they had their own plans this week. Two went down and two went up slightly. Nope, not this week. Again, surprising and disappointing.

Then dad beat me at Phase 10... even more surprising and disappointing... and definitely very shocking... and him beating me as I was getting chemo was very confusing (even if I had told him that he didn't have to let me win).

A long nap this afternoon helped me to get some distance and perspective. I'm reminded that this is a journey and there are bound to be many bumps (and I'm not referring to losing Phase Ten). In the big picture, today's were relatively small. While I wish that everything would only get better, I'm trying to live in reality. I'm nervously waiting for my doctor's appointment on Tuesday. It's there that I will find out some bigger test results and we will discuss some options and come up with a plan for what's next. Currently I've finished two cycles of chemo (the original plan was 2-6 cycles depending upon how I was doing). I'm doing well with relatively few side effects from chemo and so my next cycle of cycle has already been booked. We will see what the future holds and know that plans can always change.

Please continue to pray for Xhevat, his dad and his family. They are thrilled to have him in Kosova. Xhevat is loving his mom's cooking and was so happy to see his dad amd others welcome him at the airport. Pray that he would be an encouragement and a blessing to his family and that he can speak into his parents' lives in a very special way. I am so glad that he has the opportunity to be there and take care of his family right now. There is nowhere else I'd rather him be right now... but I want him home with us next week! :-)

To end on a lighter note, here are some of my accomplishments:

What I Have Survived Since Feb 12
(in 26 Appointments)

IVs (successful) x13
IVs (unsuccessful) x3
Bloodwork x 12
Biopsies x 12 (I think)

Chemo x8
Bone strengthening infusion x2

MRI x 1
CT x 2
Ultrasound x1
Xray x2

Parking Ticket x almost one

Thanks for hanging out with me from near or far through this journey!


  1. Dear Krista,
    I just read your blog just before I need to head out. You have been on my heart -- especially yesterday, and now I know why. I pray for peace today. I also pray for healing. I pray for Xhevat and his mom and dad. Thank you again for your honesty and vulnerability. Like we have said before ... this testimony is reaching and touching many lives.

  2. Hello Krista,

    Your Dad is with you; Your Mom with Matias is at home: also we're with you.
    We; James, Esther, Grace ( actually; Kim and Kim's wife and daughter)
    My daughter Grace was a good student of your Dad.
    Kosovo is getting near me; I looked for the country through google just now.
    Peace be with you and your family. He is risen.
    James; Your Dad's Korean neighbour.

  3. Praying for good results tomorrow/Xhevat in Kosova/God's continued care over all of you.
    I loved seeing you in church Sunday - with your darling boy & folks!
