Thursday 11 April 2013

Looking Back and Looking Forward

Relief is good... I hadn't known what to expect from my CT results and I was very pleased to have to go for a long walk with my dad.  His 2 km challenge and my 4 km response turned into a 4.8 km walk in the drizzling BC rain.  And the rain didn't bother me at all!

When I was pregnant, I remember hearing a song on the radio about a dad practising dancing with his daughter for her wedding. I'd just found out I was having a boy and through tears I thought of him escorting me down the aisle at his wedding.  Even though he was still so tiny and I'd never even met him yet, I was honored that God had entrusted this little boy to us.  I was also overwhelmed at the thought of being a mom of a boy and how my relationship with him could impact his relationship with his future wife.  Even though it was so far away, I started praying for my son and the girl who would become his wife.

Since my diagnosis, it's been very hard to think of the future. I don't know how much of a future I have.  It's been hard to allow those close to me to remain close. My irrational heart thought it would be easier to just start pushing people away now rather than when things got more difficult. When I was able to put this fear into words, I was told very firmly that this was not ok and that I had to stop doing this. My fears were heard but I was reminded that we need each other to get through each day no matter whether they would be good days or bad days.

The "distant future" for my son has changed since my diagnosis.  Now I would like to be able to see him on his first day of school and be the proudest mommy ever making sure that every hair is in place and he's dressed properly and I'd be taking pictures of him in front of our door wearing his little backpack.  Even this has seemed too far away at times and so I've thought of simply planning his first birthday in August. 

I had the privilege of having coffee today with another young mother who has a similar diagnosis. Í met her seven weeks ago but because of our different chemo days and the effects of chemo, this was the first time we were able to get together.  It was such a relief to be able to be able to share our joys, fears... and dark humor about our horrible diagnoses. I asked her how far into the future she was able to think... for her it was the end of this year.

On my "long" walk with dad a couple days ago, I noticed a little kid riding a bike. "I'm looking forward to seeing Matias ride a bike," was my first reaction. That thought surprised me because it brought joy to my heart about our future -- not fear or sadness. Since getting my CT results, I've allowed myself to have some of these thoughts of a future and I can even possibly see me in them.  What a change this is in me!  While the future seems more than a little daunting at times, I'm going to do my best to enjoy each day (even walks in the rain) and I plan to create special memories with those I love along the way.


  1. I can relate to your words...the poem "yesterday, today and tomorrow" helps a little...

  2. Dear Krista,
    I can't imagine what it must be like to live with the diagnosis that you have, and I have no idea how I would react, but I have to tell you something about pushing others away. A friend of mine lost her husband to cancer. He was diagnosed with Stage 4 inoperable lung cancer in his mid-30's and died 3 years later. (He did not respond to treatment like you have.) He also pushed those closest to him away, including his wife, and unfortunately wasn't able to express his fears for some time. After he died, his wife really struggled to forgive him for wasting so much of the precious time they had left together after his diagnosis. And he thought he was doing her a favour by pushing her away! Just a word of caution...

  3. Shannon Krushel13 April 2013 at 13:16

    "I had to bring up the weather." I thought this on the day of your walk when it started to rain! I should have known commenting on how dry it was would ensure immediate precipitation. I've attended outdoor prayers where rain was thought of as "liquid blessings". So I'll consider you and your father fully and completely blessed after journeying 4.8 kms in it. May He continue to pour, drip or drizzle the blessings as you continue on this journey.

  4. Hello Krista,

    Last Saturday afternoon, we attended the party to commemorate of our neighbour's reenterance of their house.

    Their house was burned totally by unexpected fire caused by their neighbour's uncareful lighting just seven days after moving.

    For last almost two years, they lived here or there with the favour of their neighbours.

    They finally reentered the house again a couple week ago and their adult kids held the party last Sat.

    It was also 30th anniversary of their wedding.

    Krista, your saying is always touching our heart. Your respond of current situation was very inspired.

    We really hope and pray that God surely give you an attendance at your son's first day of school and more.

    God is always behind the dark clouds with his wonderful plan; double joy and multiful blessings.

    James & Esther
