Saturday 11 May 2013



Our boy has been crawling for a while and this past week has decided that he no longer wants to be lying down... he wants to be upright (at least sitting) and or standing. To him a pillow to block an exit is an obstacle to learn how to go over.  :) It has been so fun to watch him learn.  He's pulling himself up to standing on anything that he can grip.

So we've been on alert for a few more falls and bumps as he gets up. One thing which has been slightly entertaining is that he's learned how to stand up in his crib.  So the crib has been lowered (again) and there has been more than one time that we've found him desperately crying. He's gotten up and he's been standing for a while but he hasn't learned how to sit down... so instead he cries.

Also because of the way he crawls (a combination between an army crawl and crawling like a worm) and the fact that he's now scooting so much, he has rubbed off the skin on his big toe! So my little boy got his first bandaid.

I am thoroughly enjoying this stage of his development. He's growing and changing and learning every day (or at least it seems that way). Sometimes I feel like this is how I grow in my faith -- growth spurts of learning. Over the last few months I've been learning about dependence and sustenance.

For the first few weeks, I was forced to depend on others for almost everything. I learned to say yes when help was offered -- and help moved in and took care of my family's needs, help made meals, help drove me to appointments, help prayed.  If you know me even a little, you'll know that I can be quite an independent and stubborn person. Forced dependence has been humbling. And now that I'm physically getting stronger, I'm learning how to continue to accept help in ways that I'm needing it... but at the same time, I'm wanting to encourage myself to do more things so that I can get stronger. It's a strange and fluctuating balance. Some days I can do more and some days I can't... and both I and the poor people around me are trying to figure out which day it is! And I'm trying to learn to clearly communicate my needs (of the day) as a person, wife, mother, daughter, friend, etc.

Sustenance is the other big thing that I've been learning. It's learning what feeds my body and soul and will help it not only get enough nourishment to maintain but also grow. One of the things this means is getting back to my new normal in terms of growing personally and serving others. Over the last number of weeks, I've been able to pick up my Bible again and try to listen what He is saying to me. The other part of sustenance is being fed by others. I cannot begin to express how I have felt that I have been sustained and uplifted by so many. Whether it be through an email, card, or phone call or the gift of a home cooked meal or an offer of help to clean my house or walk my dog or even an offer that I have not taken you up on (yet), I have been blessed by you. But I truly believe that the biggest gift I have been given by you is prayer. I have trouble putting into words how your prayers have affected me. I feel overwhelmingly loved by many, a peace in my heart, energy to get me through the day, a joyful and thankful spirit, etc.  Some days I feel like a broken and crumpled mess curled up in the fetal position and lacking in all ways. Through your prayers, God is giving me the strength to get to my feet and stand tall. With an overflowing heart, I'm learning to face the day with each of its joys and challenges and truly live life with purpose to its fullest.   

As I'm going through this growth spurt, I'm having some of my own falls and bumps and bruises as I'm learning to walk in Him in a new way. God, help me today to thrive and grow in You as your precious and loved daughter. Thank you for teaching and blessing me through those around me. I am completely dependent upon You and sustained by Your strength.


  1. & 'cut-to-the-core' honest. Love it! Love you! Love baby feet with band-aids on them :) xoxo Jenn

  2. Hello Krista,

    Thank you for your writting. I am very inspired with you.
    I also went to the KGH's FLEXIBLE SIGMOIDSCOPY CLINIC a week ago.
    Thanks to your beautiful insight, I also enjoyed the inner beauty paied by government. I felt a little worry before I got new view.

    Besides this, you always reminds me everything has its unique beauty and every time worth to enjoy as special.

    My family also pray for you and your family.
