Thursday 10 October 2013

The Simple Things

Sometimes when our circumstances change, we get to appreciate (and grieve the loss of) the simple things. 

Yesterday was my first full shower in 22 days. I'd done the sponge bath thing and washed my hair in the sink... but yesterday I took a gloriously long shower and did it ever feel good! No drains, no bandages. The last time I took a shower I had breasts.  :-)

The three days since chemo have been up and down. My bloodwork came back showing an even more irritated liver (similar to February's values) and my tumour markers had risen decently in one week. That was quite discouraging.

However, my encouraging news about chemo was that it (and bloodwork) is only once every three weeks! For that I am very thankful. I was instructed that the side effects of nausea and vomiting will be stronger. I've had a decent amount of nausea and only a little vomiting. We'll see how that continues.

Trying to mentally prepare myself for losing my hair which will happen in another 11 days or so. Looking forward to not having to shave & trying to decide if I'll feel more comfortable with my baldness this time around.

So I'm learning to appreciate the simple things: grilled cheese sandwiches, snuggles & kisses from our boy, playing in the dirt, nap time, etc. This weekend for me will be about appreciating the simple things.

Playing in the Dirt


  1. Still praying for a miracle.


  2. I hope you had a spectacular sun-filled weekend. I love the picture of Matias "Playing in the Dirt". Every toddler needs to experience it and it doesn't seem to happen as much these days. It truly is the simple things in life that mean the most. The "BIG"events come and go in a flash but the everyday things stay with us forever.
    As always, thinking of you. Joy
