Monday 28 October 2013

Changes in Plans

My last post had a few... "If this happens, then the plans are for this to happen." And when the first thing doesn't happen, then plans change.

I got up bright and early to go and get my bloodwork done at the hospital. A poke and a miss and another poke later, my blood was in the hands of the lab staff.

Then breakfast at the hospital while I waited for my appointment -- a few minutes to relax, gather my thoughts & write down my questions. My friend and my boy were going to come along for the appointment but since he's been feverish, I didn't think the Cancer Agency was the best place to bring him.

So then was the appointment. First I got to see my favorite nurse who has been a huge help to me throughout this whole process. She'd been off for a bit and it was wonderful to see her again. And then after this came the doctor.

The good news: my liver enzymes are going down (i.e. My liver doesn't appear to be as irritated as it was three weeks ago). This hopefully means that the chemo is working. For this I'm grateful (and it makes two weeks of vomiting on/off seem worth it). I was given a few different suggestions of how to better cope with my nausea & vomiting, sleeplessness, and weight loss. We'll see if those work.

The other news: My neutrophils (the cells that fight infections) are really low... too low in fact to get chemo tomorrow. This is sort of surprising as I've only had one dose of chemo but not really that surprising as I haven't been off chemo for too long and my poor bone marrow has needed a little bit of time to recover.

So chemo is delayed until next week and I don't plan to be puking this week.

Am I disappointed? Not really... nor am I happy. If my body isn't ready for chemo, I can't really do anything about that. I'm glad the chemo appears to be working and I'll get more when my body is ready. In the meantime, I'll rest up.

P.S. Enjoyed another reflexology session tonight. I'm sure gonna miss my reflexologist when she goes back to Haiti!

Chilling with my dear friend

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