Wednesday 8 January 2014

Because of My Husband

I got chemo yesterday because of my husband.

My neutrophils were way too low on my bloodwork from Monday. It was my first critically low value -- not exactly the way that I'd like to get unexpected results. Chemo would not be given with neutrophils as low as this as I would be in too much danger of not being able to fight even simple bacteria and viruses that are normally in/on my body (let alone everyone else's).

Yesterday, the plan changed several times. At various points of the day, bloodwork was scheduled and cancelled, chemo was scheduled and cancelled, I'd received some difficult news & had a friend who had gone through breast cancer coming over. Too much was going on and I just didn't have the energy to speak up for myself.

So my dear husband asked for the phone number and spoke with one of my healthcare team members who agreed to allow me to get my bloodwork done. After a few phone calls in which some miscommunication was clarified, my plans for bloodwork & possibly chemo were set.

A few things happened when I was waiting at the Cancer Agency after getting my bloodwork done. I found out that my bloodwork from the previous day continued to show very decent improvement for my tumor markers. My liver enzymes haven't come down as quickly as I'd like but are still improving. I was also being entertained by a text message conversation with a dear friend which left me smiling and giggling perhaps a little inappropriately with everything going on around me.

While waiting I was also able to hear or take part in several conversations -- two elderly men tenderly reminiscing about wreaking havoc in their radiation treatments (one of the men had just found out that his cancer had gotten much worse and he wasn't sounding very hopeful) and an elderly couple who shared about family (and were both going through cancer treatment). I'd guess that I was the only patient below 65 or 70 in that waiting room but we are each dealing with the fragility of life, cry & tear up often, and will quietly share about the things that bring us joy to our souls.

All the while nurses would pass by & wave as they'd bring their patients into the chemo room or just stop by to talk. Several would ask why I was there because they were aware of Monday's critically low value. And then one came out with a big smile and said that my neutrophils had come up to the minimum number at which I could get chemo!

My precious husband (who'd been anxiously awaiting my news) just happened to call me as the nurse who confirmed my neutrophil count was bringing me into the chemo room. By the excitement I heard in his voice and the screaming from him and my son, they were overjoyed!

With my anti-nauseants, steroids & chemo in, I headed home, made a quick dinner, got a few grocery essentials, and headed out to an evening meeting. I stayed out past my bedtime but went to sleep overjoyed & tired but yet filled with energy.

I got my chemo yesterday because of my husband. I am truly blessed to be called his wife and have him standing next to me and holding me up on this journey. He is amazing & I love him incredibly.

Just after he asked me to marry him... it might not be in focus but reminds me of our joy, love & commitment, and how he has made me feel protected.

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