Wednesday 29 January 2014

Will You Come & Celebrate?

It's hard to forget the moment the doctor told me that I had cancer. Many of my other memories about that day swirl around in the blur and emotions of those words. Then came the conversations, phone calls and emails to share the horrible news. My heart just aches remembering those days.

I am almost one year into my cancer journey. A few of my friends have shared some of their feelings about their cancer anniversaries. A common theme is that it can be a very difficult day. I can only guess that I will experience many of the same emotions as my friends.

One of the biggest feelings that we as a family have about this past year's journey is that we have been loved on, prayed for, and supported in incredible ways. And we are so grateful for you!  So we want to celebrate my one year anniversary by having a party in honour of you... each of you who have joined us on this crazy journey.

Will you come and celebrate?

We would love to celebrate you & celebrate with you!
(P.S. If you're reading this, you're invited!)


  1. So wish I could...but as I will be making the journey to Abbotsford on Friday for Julie's service, I won't be able to take another day off. I will be with you in spirit, celebrating with you from Kamloops! It's hard to believe it's been a year...what a year!

  2. Good morning heart & prayers are with you today as you 'honour' the one-year mark of your diagnosis. You have been an amazing example of hope & grace to all of us who are privileged to know you & share in your journey. I can't be with you tonight, as I have other obligations. I will continue to pray for healing - trusting that our Heavenly Father has your precious family in His loving arms every day and night. Bless you, my friend! xoxoxo Jem
