Friday 23 May 2014


It has been wonderfully special being here. The weather started out cooler and rainy and today is 27 and sunny! We were greeted at the airport by Xhevat's dad and brother-in-law. And I believe there were almost thirty family members at the apartment that night.

Some of the memories I will cherish include:

- Matias standing in the center of the living room encircled by his family our first evening. He would clap his hands and make sure everyone in the room was clapping with him. He had total control of the room!
- Matias has been taken out to the playground or for a walk by so many people each day! He has thoroughly enjoyed getting out and running all day every day.
- Celebrating my sister-in-law's upcoming marriage. Since it was suggested to come now, we won't be able to attend in June. So we celebrated now! Food, music, dancing, (with Matias in the middle of everything clapping) cake! We had a great time.
- The call to prayer was ringing out from at least three mosques one morning when we were outside. Matias hadn't heard this before and he raised his hand like his grandpa Wagenhoffer taught him and sung along with the call to prayer. I would have recorded it but we weren't alone. I couldn't help but crack a smile.
- The macchiatos... if you haven't experienced them here then I just can't begin to explain how truly delicious they are (Starbucks can't compare).
- Xhevat's mom's cooking & serving. She just has such a special heart of humility, service & hospitality.
- Watching Xhevat eat his mom's food. He just enjoys it so much and I know that it's nourishing his heart even more than his body.
- Growing cheeks on my face and a tummy... my steroids have taken over and I've lost some muscle mass... but I now have chipmunk cheeks! I'm really looking forward to getting off this medicine when I get home.
- Serving our family. We've had so many people at the Krasniqi apartment that we wanted to serve them some meals and give Xhevat's mom a break from cooking for 20+ people daily. One day we made homemade Macaroni & Cheese and another day we made pizza. It's been a blessing to us to be able to do this for our family... and they even enjoyed our "American food."
- Conversations. Oh so good... but also very difficult. It is hard in this culture to be in agreement with a diagnosis that (unless God intervenes) will end in death or to even talk about things surrounding death. If you talk about it, it might happen so avoid talking about it... only think positive thoughts. Many conversations have been centered around how serious my situation is but that my hope and my faith is in Jesus. Our time on earth is temporary... we are not made for this broken world.
- Sleep & sickness: Jet lag with a toddler is hard. And just when he slept through the night, he caught a new bug. We all are needing some sleep.
- The three of us are all in one room and so when Matias wakes up, he crawls in bed with us and is generally most snuggly at these point. I'll take any snuggles I can get!

Today we'll see some friends from another town where we lived. Then the plan is church on Sunday. And more family time. We'll say most of our goodbyes on Monday night and then our flight leaves early Tuesday morning.

The days have gone by so quickly. Sleep & rest have been difficult. We've each been fighting off new germs. Conversations have been good but difficult. We are being treated like royalty. God is good.

Our first night here

Serving many Mac N Cheese for their First Time!

Xhevat & Some of his Sisters
Breakfast At Our Apartment (ten of us "foreigners" stayed together)
The more kids... the more action! How fun watching cousins play together!
My sister-in-law, nephew & me

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