Monday 5 May 2014


This morning Xhevat and I met with my oncologist. The plan was to discuss how I'm doing right now and options for future treatment.

We've been given options but they aren't as plentiful or beneficial as we'd like. My doctor's recommendation is currently to let the radiation do it's thing on my brain and recover from it. The side effects of whole brain radiation can take weeks to develop and recovery can take up to six weeks and beyond. After that we can make decisions about more chemotherapy options.

It's been a tough morning. Because of the number & placement of my brain metastases, my case is much more rare (a handful of cases in BC in a year). I might regain my physical strength. I might not. I could have seizures. My driver's license is essentially revoked. Things can change quickly. And I'm being encouraged to enjoy life to the fullest as I have my strength & energy.

It's another hard day in this household.

So after asking how important it is to travel and at my doc's encouragement to travel as soon as possible, we'd like to go and see our family in Kosova. This could happen as early as next week. Healthcare in Kosova (or while traveling) could be difficult in an emergency situation. We are aware of this.

So we continue to try to live each day fully. Tonight is a date night for Xhevat & me. Babysitters. Dinner. A movie. Mom & dad (who have taken over caring for Matias & me since my sister was here) will be getting a date night as well. My caregivers need rest, prayer, love and support.

We're trying to have a little bit of what might appear to be normal in an anything but normal situation.

What can you do? I truly don't know other than asking you to pray. We feel helpless about my situation but still trust Him. We are trying to live & enjoy life while intentionally making special memories... a soccer game, dinner out, a weekend getaway. I'm doing fine right now physically but it is scary to have experienced and know that things can change very quickly. It's serious. My hope is not changing.

Last year we were given (I believe) Potato & Kale Soup in this container... I don't know who owns this container... please let me know if it's yours.


  1. Prayers. Completely enjoy your date.

  2. I admire your boldness to be willing to fly all that way while being in treatment. Wow! I can't even stand long flights when I'm fit. You are a woman of great faith and who is willing to tell it like it is about your lows.

  3. Dear Krista!
    I don't know if you remember me but lately i have read your story and what your going thru! I still remember so well the night we were for a visit in your house close to Prishtina, it was me, Bledi (Xhevat's friend) Erin (an american girl) and Gerti, it was such a fun night, you made for us nachos so delicious! There was no electric and we had candles :D
    I have been thinking a lot about you and your family, reading the posts from you, you all are in my prayers. I pray God hold your hand and give you a complete healing!
    Love you
    Rudina (Albania)

  4. Dear Krista,

    I remember meeting you a few years ago in a women's bible study at the church and thinking that you were so full of grace and love and had such a joyful spirit, I was immediately drawn to you, as I am sure were many others. Now, to have the privilege to share in your journey through this blog, I am struck by your courage in the face of such an unrelenting disease, your strength to live each day to the fullest and your unshakable faith in Christ Jesus. You are truly an inspiration and an example of what it means to be Christ-like. I thank you for blessing me in this way.

    Know that I will continue to lift you, your family and care-givers up in prayer and may God continue to Let His Light Shine Magnificently through You!

    Brenda Johnson

    That dish is mine, and I am happy to make arrangements to collect it, in whatever way works best for you.

  5. Hi Krista - it is Agnesa from Kosova. I would love to see you while in Kosova.
    We will not be here from 13 May to 4th June, I hope you are here while I am here, and you could come for dinner, or even stay with us :)
    Let me know.
    Love and prayers my hero friend.

  6. I admire your faith, strength and courage looking forward to seeing you before you leave.
