Tuesday 27 May 2014

Home & Almost in Bed

After a long day of travel including early arrivals, engine valve problems, delays & lost and found baggage, we've arrived home two hours later than expected tired. Xhevat and Matias haven't been feeling the greatest. I have had maybe two or three hours of sleep in the last 45 hours or so. We are thankful to be able to sleep in our own beds tonight. And we're all hoping to get some good rest. Thank you for praying through our trip with us.

Coming home from the airport: Matias' first time in a car seat in a couple of weeks (yup... I did what I said that I didn't ever want to do... I held my child on my lap in a vehicle... and I held on tight!)

1 comment:

  1. Welcome home. Jack wants to see you LOL even though he only met you once he really liked your family and says how much he misses you. Maybe because you're the only person he's met that's like me.... with cancer.
    luv Robyn
